School is back in session…

Hello home front! Good week to be a missionary!….Well kind of…It was still a bit slow this last week because of New Year’s but it was still great! I got your package from the family!!!! haha So great! I did like the little nickel city toys, they were a good time for at least 5 minutes!ha I’ve got the girl with big lips hanging up on the rear view mirror…so it’s safe to say that we’re looking a bit creepy..ha but our zone leaders do have a justin timberlake doll hanging up on their rear view mirror so I think they top us. I love the cologne mom!!! I’ve been looking forward to it for quite a while now. You are the best at choosing good scents. I loved the letters that the family wrote as well. It was just an all around good gift for the new year. I also got a Christmas card from the Boyle family and from David! It was good to see them! You did ask if I need anything…and I know it’s a stretch but a little money in my account would be splendid to stock up on some house hold items and such. If you can’t though then that’s perfectly alright.

So Akelio and her family didnt make it out to church this week and our appointment got canceled with her but it was for a good reason. She had a relative pass away and she had to go to Calgary for it. But I’m sure we’ll meet this week and continue preparing her for baptism!

We had a less active come to church yesterday and continue to see progress in others that we are working with!

We taught Tara again and her boyfriend was there this time. (they need to get married before she can get baptized) We taught the Word of Wisdom and she is living it. She is so golden but they said how they don’t want to rush the commitment of marriage for baptism….which is a bummer but she WILL be baptized in the future. I just dont know if I’ll be around for it:(

I’m also bummed to hear that the Stake Presidency has changed! I thought that I would be coming home and released by President Jackson! That really was an amazing stake presidency but I’m sure that the new group will be just as great.

Thanks for the update on the homelife!

Love you guys

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