The sun will come out tomorrow! tomorrow! bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there will be sunshine :)

So it’s been raining the past 2 days…..non stop!!! it’s been pretty crazy! It was kinda nice though cuz I strangely like the rain…It kinda made me feel like I had been sent to my dream mission of England haha but life’s been good!!!

Zone leader has been a lot of fun. Just more responsibility and more opportunities to serve other missionaries! The city has been pretty different so far. The numbers on average are a lot lower than southern alberta but I’m working on changing that! There’s more accountability individually as a companionship and for your entire zone though! We meet with the stake president weekly to report on the numbers and how the zone is doing. Our stake president right now is very straight forward and motivated for missionary work. He even was a mission president is New York at one time! He’s been called to the 70 in June though, so it’ll be good to work with him for a bit before we get a new stake president! The type of missionary work is a bit different. I’m definitely trying to utilize all of the people that are out walking and on the streets though. I had the idea this week to make copies of The Proclamation to the World for the Family and on the back of it copied some qr codes that take you to as well as leaving our number and some other info. We’ve been trying to hand them out recently and have gotten them into the hands of a few people but the people in Calgary all seem to be 5 minutes late to somewhere and won’t even accept a free piece of paper sometimes! So frustrating! One piece of paper could change the course of their lives and they won’t even scan over it….but I’m sure we’ll find more prepared people this week. We’ve also been trying to work with more less actives and recent converts lately and it’s been a good experience.

We visited a man this last week, who is well known around the mission for always helping missionaries out and being a big help to them. He went through a bad bacterial infection from the hospital a few months ago and is also in very sever stages of cancer. He is expected to pass away this week or even last week. But he’s very strong willed and won’t pass away quite yet. We got permission to visit him but were told to be very careful because he passed the infection to the previous zone leader who lost 40 pounds and had to go home. So we went to see him and it was a very humbling and spiritual experience. We walked in his room where we found what looked to be a skeleton in the bed. It was hard to find words of comfor or anything at the time. I just felt like crying and I didn’t even know the man. He was very appreciative since he spent so much of his life SO involved with the missionaries and loves them so much. He couldn’t even make too many words that were identifiable. We got to talk a little bit I said a prayer at the end. The man had gone from 6 ft 2 and 180 lbs and is now down to around 120 lbs…it truly made me grateful for my trials and for the knowledge of the plan of salvation.

We also taught our investigator Ruth and she’s on date for the 15th of June. She also came to church for the first time!

The fam sounds good! I love you and am so happy to hear about the success of the bbq!

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